Elder Rose

Elder Rose

Breath stopped
Eyes stared
Lights fled
The Father of Lights queried
And lies were told.

Vortices twisted
Portals opened
Spheres were tethered
The mother of oceans shouted
And sons ignored.

Daughters schemed
Ocean mother wept
Grand daughters birthed deformed
Ocean mother slept
And the waters muddied.

Eldest Sister
Weaver of light fathers,
Celestial Rose,
Spinner of spheres and bridges,
Marked the screaming Silence.

Logging in to a little used app on my iphone at the end of last October 2020, I found a ‘recovered’ document, not saved and just floating in the æther. It had a date which disappeared after I properly saved it so I have no clue when I wrote it. I can hardly even recall the moment of writing it either. I was vaguely half asleep I think. It’s one of those prose stories which bubble out like spring water from rock.

English words flow out of my brain like the Spherespeak flows from my tongue with seemingly no known origin within a bed of thought. I write them and then stand back to see what picture they made.

This post itself was first written 11 March 2021, and it sits in my draft folder like other drafts waiting for a time to publish or delete.

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